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Weekly Meeting Minutes: Town of Cascade - October 9, 2024 - 9:00 AM

Project: Wastewater System Improvements

GWE Project No.: 1-20163-TO4


Open Meeting and Attendance

Town of Cascade: Melanie Bissell, Mayor Seabolt, Joe Voss, Glen Howendobler

Great West Engineering: Austin Egan, Cheri Anderson, Paul Kroeger

Ed Boland Construction: Bruce Lawhon, Barry Boland, Herb MacNeeley

Subcontractors: None

Funding Agencies: Pete Behrends (SRF), Erin McKeon (MDOC)

Comments on Previous Meeting Minutes


Construction Progress/Schedule from Contractor

Exploratory work approved last week was completed.

Sheet 14 (between manhole 37 & 39) will be complete, including gravel pipe and manholes, by tomorrow (10/10).

Sheet 12 (manhole 29) starting today, expected to be completed by the end of next week.

Work will move to Schedule 3 next, 2nd to Central (Sheet 13).

Paul will perform measure-downs for Schedule 3 if needed.

Revision of Sheet 13 has already been issued, so further changes should be minimal.


RFI’s 1 and 2 have been addressed.


Austin will respond to the flow fill submittal.

Field Changes and/or Field Directives

Manhole elevations for Sheets 13 and 14 revised and re-issued.

Fence around the lift station: Kasia said the Town can procure it themselves, but it must meet SRF requirements. AIS prevailing wages will apply. Pete will follow up with an email for further clarification if needed.

Change Orders (CO)

Herb is working on sending initial change proposal(s) to Austin.

CO1 and CO2 have been received; Austin will review and may combine them into one CO.

CO1: CIPP for 10” instead of 8” – approx. $2K.

CO2: Adjustments of first alley (86 ft of line), temporary sewer piping, reconnecting sewer service – $24K.

Flowable fill will be added to CO2; Herb will send that over today.

Testing/Quality Control

Compaction Testing: Paul testing with nuclear densometer.

Asbestos test came back clean. Austin sent results to everyone along with last week’s meeting minutes.

Progress Payments / Pay Request Schedule of Values Review

Pay App 1: Approved by Austin, sent to agencies.

Erin: Submitted, cleared, and paid through MCEP.

Mayor Seabolt gave Barry the check for Pay App 1 during the meeting.

Pay App 2: Approved and being processed.

Submitted to Town.

Grant Administration/Certified Payroll

Certified Payroll and Labor Compliance Documentation: Please submit to Kasia Little at [email protected] and cc Austin at [email protected].

Other Issues/General Discussion


Joe thanked Boland for using the street sweeper around the job site; site is very clean.

United Electric will be on site today to review lift station electrical.

Highway crossing: Property just sold; the meat market will need sewer. More exploratory work needed. Still need to locate BnB service. Town hopes to run everything to the alley, avoiding a highway crossing if possible.

Hours of Work

Current hours: 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Monday–Thursday); 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM (Friday, 8 hours).

Hazards and Risks

Obey speed limits in equipment and vehicles.

Traffic control must be in place.

Seatbelts are required at all times.

Accidents or Injuries

None reported.

Quality of Work and Standards

All work meets standards.

Access and Site Concerns

None reported.


Update from the monitoring visit on October 8:

Mayor Seabolt: Went well; included site tour and photos.

Erin: Agreed that the monitoring visit was successful.

Establish Date and Time of Next Meeting

Wednesday, October 16, at 9:00 AM.

Site Visit (if necessary)



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