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Project: Wastewater System Improvements
GWE Project No.: 1-20163-TO4
Open Meeting and Attendance
Town of Cascade: Mayor Wes Seabolt, Joe Voss, Melanie Bissell, Glen Howendobler, Jodie Campbell
Great West Engineering: Austin Egan, Cheri Anderson, Paul Kroeger
Ed Boland Construction: Bruce Lawhon, Barry Boland, Herb MacNeeley
Subcontractors: None
Funding Agencies: Pete Behrends (SRF)
Comments on Previous Meeting Minutes
Construction Progress/Schedule from Contractor
Up to manhole 34 on sheet 13 has been installed, starting there today and continuing along the same alignment for the foreseeable future.
242 ft of pipe has been installed on this alignment.
Will continue along that alignment for the next few weeks.
Ran into some moisture and sand, hoping to come out of it in another 50 ft.
Field Changes and/or Field Directives
Manhole Elevations – Sheets 13 and 14 revised and re-issued.
Boland to provide estimated increase in cost due to added depth on Schedule 3.
Sheet 14 is completed.
Sheet 13 is in progress.
Fence around the lift station – Jodie sent Austin the email.
Barry - Depths are more than expected (2-4 feet).
Austin has requested costs for this multiple times.
Austin will send the revised and original sheets (sheet 13) to Boland.
Boland will get Austin a price.
Costs will be just construction costs, no engineering costs will be incurred.
Costs for sheet 15 have already been submitted in CO2.
Change Orders (CO)
Herb working on sending initial change proposal(s) to Austin.
CO1, CO2, CO3 have been received and Austin will review. Austin may combine them into one CO.
CO1 CIPP for 10” instead of 8” - $2K.
Austin needs video and reports from the CIPP, Boland will request and send to Austin.
CO2 adjustments of first alley, 86 ft of line, temporary sewer piping, reconnect sewer service - $24K.
CO3 – Flowable fill to avoid water main vertical adjustment - $3K.
CO4 – Adjustments will be forthcoming.
Testing/Quality Control
Compaction Testing – Paul testing with nuclear densometer.
Soils are changing some, sand conditions, Paul doing his best to judge the consistency of the tests compared to the proctor values.
Asbestos came back clean.
Progress Payments / Pay Request Schedule of Values Review
Pay App 1 - Paid.
Pay App 2 - Payment forthcoming – Update from Lexi or Town?
Came in yesterday, Jodie will run checks today.
Pay App 3 - Expected this week.
Herb will get Austin by Friday.
Grant Administration/Certified Payroll
Please submit Certified Payroll and Labor Compliance Documentation to Kasia Little – [email protected] and cc Austin [email protected].
Other Issues/General Discussion
Could not locate the Airbnb service, will need to be dug up to find elevations and line, this exploratory will go to Schedule 1.
Still waiting to hear on railroad permits.
Austin to send AIS certs to Pete.
Hours of work
Current work hours are from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, working Monday – Thursday.
7:00 am to 3:30 pm (8 hrs) on Fridays.
Daylight savings will change hours of work.
Will stay the same for now while there is daylight.
Hazards and risks
Obey speed limits in equipment and vehicles.
Traffic control needs to be in place.
Seatbelts must be worn.
Watch out for kids down the street from the school and for Halloween.
Accidents or injuries
Brian (Boland) is at the ER now – Leg got cut with a cutoff saw above his boot. Boland will provide updates as they become available. Herb asked Bruce for details so he could handle the reporting.
Quality of work and standards
All good, alleys are getting cleaned up nicely.
Access and site concerns
Need to let the school buses know about close roads and detours.
Town may be able to use the text system to notify residents of closures.
Mayor noticed that elevation equipment was somewhat exposed and may need to have cones around it.
Town discussed contacting the Sherriff to sit near the site to ensure people aren’t speeding through the work zone.
Establish the Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Wednesday, November 6 at 9:00 AM
Site Visit (if necessary)
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