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Wedsworth Minutes: Thursday, October 10, 2024 - Cascade Town Hall

Call to Order: 5:30 pm

Attendance: Mayor Wes Seabolt, Trustee Jason Cornelius, Trustee C.R. Eisenzimer (on the phone), Public Works Director Joe Voss, and Town Clerk Melanie Bissell.

Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Cornelius moved to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2024 meeting. Mayor Seabolt seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

Discussion: None

Public Comment is encouraged during each agenda item.

Appointment of C.R. Eisenzimer and Authorization to Sign on Bank Account: Trustee Cornelius moved to approve, Mayor Seabolt seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

Discussion: None

Discussion on Wedsworth Land: Cattle out 10/25/24 – Public Works Director Joe Voss stated it will be winterized and shut down by then.

Discussion on Wedsworth Hall: Mayor Seabolt addressed the board, noting that the Fire Chief had requested to reserve Wedsworth Hall every Friday and Saturday in September and the first week of October. This reservation was intended to accommodate the department's needs during Homecoming weekend and the annual pancake supper. Trustee Cornelius proposed a motion to table the decision to allow him to consult with the Fire Chief, Principal, and Nancy Rowan. His aim would be to create a more comprehensive plan that balances the Fire Chief's requirements with the Hall's availability for other community events. Trustee Eisenzimer seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

Discussion: Library Director Nancy Rowan spoke about having the Hall reserved for every Columbus Day weekend per Library Board request.

Mayor Seabolt addressed the board, noting that MMIA had recommended that the Badger Cubs, Hunter Safety, Gun Club, and other sporting events obtain their own insurance coverage. Trustee Cornelius and Trustee Eisenzimer agreed with this proposal.

Mayor Seabolt indicated that he would consider introducing a vote to mandate that sporting events secure their own insurance before using Wedsworth Hall. Trustee Cornelius moved to approve. Trustee Eisenzimer seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

Discussion: None

Discussion on Wedsworth Library: Book Sale – Library Director Nancy Rowan is setting up and stated she will still need help to take down on Sunday. She also mentioned that she had volunteers clean the tables. The Board thanked her.

Discussion: None

Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items: Janina Goetze asked if it would be possible to have a sleepover birthday party for her 12-year-old son at the Hall. She stated it would be chaperoned from 6 pm - 10 am. Joe Voss stated it has been done before. Nancy Rowan agreed. The Board didn’t see a problem approving the rental and thanked Janina for her time.

Review Bank Account and Pay Bills: Trustee Cornelius moved to approve. Trustee Eisenzimer seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

Adjournment: Trustee Cornelius moved to approve. Trustee Eisenzimer seconded. Ayes: all, Nays: none. Motion approved.

The next meeting will be held on November 14, 2024.


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