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Town Council Minutes: Thursday, October 10, 2024 - Cascade Town Hall

Call to Order: 6:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.

Attendance: Mayor Seabolt, Councilor Becca Wood, Councilor Ralph Schneider, Councilor Kristin Riley, Councilor Scott Clinger, along with Public Works Director Joe Voss and Town Clerk Melanie Bissell.

Minutes: Make any corrections to and approve the minutes from the August 8, 2024, Preliminary Hearing; August 29, 2024, Budget Hearing; August 29, 2024, Budget Meeting; September 17, 2024, Working Meeting on Water Ordinances; September 17, 2024, Working Meeting on Street Ordinance; September 11, 18, and October 2, 2024, Wastewater System Improvement Project; and the September 12, 2024, Regular Meeting. Councilor Schneider moved to approve, Councilor Clinger seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Public Comments: Public comments are welcomed during agenda item discussions.

Mayor Reports/Updates:

De-annexations/Road to Dump: Mayor Seabolt stated they have spoken with the attorney, who thought it was a good idea to look into this further. Updates will follow.

Social Media: Mayor Seabolt informed the council that at his last conference, he learned that personal social media or email accounts can be subpoenaed in court. Discussion followed.

Councilor Wood questioned if the town could set up something official for communication.

Councilor Clinger suggested creating separate email accounts.

Both the mayor and councilors agreed and created their own separate emails.


Container Site Contract: A draft was presented in the council packets. Mayor Seabolt recommended approval of the contract with one minor revision.

Councilor Clinger moved to approve, Councilor Wood seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Discussion: Mayor Seabolt will work with Public Works Director Joe Voss to explore the possibility of a community burn pile within city limits. The contract will take effect immediately once signed.

Public Comments:

Nancy Rowan: Suggested placing an article in the paper.

Judy Adams: Asked, “What do we do with shrubs?”

Joe Voss responded, “Shrubs will need to be 4 feet and smaller.”

Councilor Riley: Asked, “Can we do a burn pit at home?”

Joe Voss answered, “3-foot burn pits are allowed, but avoid smoking out neighbors.”


Monthly Reports: Presented in packets. Discussion: None.

Fire Department:

Approval of Extra Expenses for VFA Grant: Mayor Seabolt stated that $750 was previously approved but requested permission for additional funds.

Councilor Wood moved to approve, Councilor Riley seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Discussion: None.

Pancake Supper Dates: Mayor Seabolt recapped the Wedsworth meeting. Trustee Cornelius will consult with the Fire Chief, the Principal, and the Library Director to determine future dates.

Planning Board:

Growth Policy Update - CDBG Planning Grant: Results were presented in the packets. The grant was denied. Mayor Seabolt suggested resubmitting in another round. Discussion: None.


Ordinance Updates: None.

Short-Term Rental Recommendations:

Recommendations were included in the council’s packets for review. Craig Moore spoke about adapting the Town of Bozeman’s ordinances to suit the town’s needs and reviewed the line items.


Questions and concerns from council members and community members were noted, including topics on LLC ownership, water usage, permit amounts, and the potential for a grandfather clause.

Community members provided input, including suggestions for adjustments and clarification on statistics and rental availability.

Committee Reports/Updates:

Water-Sewer Committee:

Utility Billing Adjustments: Presented.

Past-Due Bills: Report presented.

Wastewater Project Update: Joe Voss reported a minor issue with a water main, which was quickly resolved.

Well Updates: Joe Voss stated that the squeeze job went well, according to Bruce Lauerman from Great West Engineering.

Water Ordinance Updates: Councilor Schneider noted the attorney would attend the next meeting.

Finance Committee:

Claims 12870–12896: Presented.

Councilor Schneider moved to approve, Councilor Riley seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Parks & Recreation Committee:

LWCF/CDBG Grant Project: Awaiting updates.

Discussion: None.

Streets-Sidewalks-Alley Committee:

TA Grant Project: Next phase. Discussion: None.

Street Ordinance Updates: Councilor Clinger noted the attorney would attend the next meeting.

Appointment Recommendation: Mayor Seabolt recommended appointing Councilor Wood to the Streets and Sidewalks Committee.

Councilor Clinger moved to approve, Councilor Schneider seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Correspondence: Presented.

Unfinished Business:

Nuisance Property - 101 Front St. North: Town Clerk Melanie Bissell and Jodie Campbell will review items for removal to obtain accurate quotes.

Tree Board: Joe Voss will remove two trees from Railroad Park.

Swimming Pool Fundraising: Discussion: None.

Fireworks Ordinance: Revisions will be made. Discussion: None.

New Business:

Resolution 2024-23: Authorization of Wedsworth Bank Account Signatures.

Councilor Clinger moved to approve, Councilor Wood seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:

Joann Eisenzimer: Spoke about the need for more handicap parking and sought clarification on the grant writing process. She requested permission to install handicap signs and paint curbs. Mayor Seabolt suggested submitting a formal request to be added to the agenda.

Employee Reports/Updates:

Town Hall Closure Request - November 29:

Councilor Wood asked if it would be a paid day off. Mayor Seabolt clarified it would be an unpaid personal day.

Councilor Wood moved to approve, Councilor Riley seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

Financial Update: Monthly budget vs. expenditures/revenues reports were emailed.

Adjournment: Councilor Schneider moved to approve, Councilor Clinger seconded. Ayes: All. Nay: None. Motion approved.

The next regular meeting will be held on November 14, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.


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