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Life is good

Series: Along the Way... | Story 62

It’s easy these days to focus on worries. The 24 hour news cycle constantly reminds us of troubles. In the old days of journalism there was a saying, “If it bleeds, it leads.” In other words, if it’s bad or dramatic news it gets priority. Sometimes in the deluge of negatives I find it useful to take note of things for which I can be grateful.

I’m always grateful for family and friends. I’ve recently begun getting to know a new person, a new friend, which always gives me the feeling I’ve just started a new book which I’m quite sure I will enjoy. I don’t know what surprises or plot twists will occur but I expect to enjoy the journey.

As a lifelong baseball fan I’m grateful and in awe for the extraordinary season Shohei Ohtani is having. Regardless of which team you root for it’s something amazing. Ohtani blew past the 50 home run, 50 stolen bases mark in almost unbelievable fashion. In a game last Thursday he had six hits in six at bats, three home runs, ten runs batted in, and two stolen bases. It was, arguably the greatest single game ever played in baseball history. Knowledgeable people are talking about him as being perhaps the greatest player ever. Regardless of opinion on that, it is amazing to watch. I’m in awe of anyone who can consistently hit a round ball travelling at perhaps100 mph, and moving down or at an angle, with a round bat at all. Yes, it helps that he plays for my all time favorite team, the Dodgers, but I admire greatness regardless of the team.

I’m grateful for having good health and a smart, capable doctor. As the years go by that’s something to give increasing thanks for. We human beings are fragile in some ways.

I’m grateful for the sight and sound of geese flying south which reminds us that we’re past the hot weather and can enjoy all the benefits of fall. I drove to Missoula recently and was reminded of just how incredibly beautiful our state is. If you haven’t gotten out on the road recently it’s worth doing. I suppose after spending the summer in Denver it’s particularly nice to have wide open spaces to admire.

It doesn’t take much effort to see there are folks all around us who have challenging lives, people with difficulties we’re blessed not to have at the moment anyway. I’m grateful for opportunities to give a hand, an uplifting word, a prayer, a smile, or a laugh. To be able to serve other folks is a blessing we can all enjoy. And, of course, it’s good to be grateful for those who offer such in return. We can all use some help from time to time.

Lastly, I am grateful to live in a nation where we have access to information and then the power to vote. Democracy is an incredible gift, not one to be taken lightly.

Life is good.


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