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Family Business

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 30

This past weekend was a great time for our church family to show love and appreciation to each other, to the community, and to strangers who took a chance to come hang out with us at the Wolf Creek School Saturday evening. As you know from my past several “Musings”, life has been a challenge for me and Lisa. But we are so thankful that we have a family that extends way beyond our genetic blood relatives. It is the family of God. If you think that church is nothing but boredom, crabby people, bean-counters, “holier-than-thou” types, or legalistic judges waiting to condemn you then you obviously have not been to the Wolf Creek Baptist Church!

This past Saturday saw the people of the church put on our annual Fall Harvest Dinner. There were over 80 people who came and stuffed themselves with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, and dozens of deserts. It was an amazing, good time. We had folks from Choteau, Helena, Cascade and off the grid come! We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company!

Door prizes were given to many adults and young ones. Care packages of food were given to take home. As Pastor, I am so thankful for everyone who contributed to this amazing event. Our group of “regulars” accomplished this without anyone getting cranky. We just chipped in and showed love and appreciation to our neighbors and each other!

If that wasn’t good enough, we had a great time Sunday morning and were blessed by some special music from the Royal family of Helena. After our service we then went down to the Bull Pasture fishing access and had 8 people get baptized! Some were around 10 years old. One dear soul was in her late 70’s. We sang a few good old chorus’s and ate some leftover snacks from the Fall Harvest Dinner. We had many come and hear the Good News that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, because we could not do that ourselves. He was crucified, buried and raised on the third day. He met God’s standard so that those who place their faith in his finished work of salvation can receive eternal life. Friends and family, both biological and spiritual, make for an amazing life.

Jesus was baptized to identify with us. Those who receive Him as Savior by faith are commanded to be baptized (by immersion) to identify with Him. Baptism does not save a person but shows that the person being baptized has professed faith in Christ by this act of obedience.

My prayer for you is that you might have invested some time in Bible study, church attendance in a Bible believing church, and that by faith you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. It does not require much time or effort to do that, and the benefit package is out of this world! Sins forgiven, eternal life, and reunion with loved ones. Best of all, you get to spend eternity with Jesus! If you have not received Jesus as Savior, why not do so today. Call with questions and come visit us Sunday mornings at 10:30 in Wolf Creek at the Baptist Church.

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. He is also pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected]


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