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Cascade FFA Hosts 2024 Glacier District Leadership School

Last Tuesday, September 10th, the Cascade FFA chapter hosted 2024 Glacier District Leadership School. In total, there were 98 members and 10 guests from around our district in attendance. Our chapter officer team, who consists of Hal McGregor, Kylee Finn, Bridger Lewis, Trent Lane, Aubrey Hamlett, Kyleigh Knowlden (Reece Hastings), Clair McKamey, Rial McGregor, Ian McKamey and Bobby Rumney, opened the meeting with our FFA opening ceremonies and welcomed our guests to our school.

The state FFA officers put on workshops to help our local members enhance their leadership skills. One of the workshops focused on the importance of understanding that there are two sides to every story, even in minor situations. It emphasized the value of clear thinking, seeing the bigger picture, and understanding both sides of any situation, which is crucial to being a good leader. We would like to extend our gratitude to Conrad, Simms, Fairfield, Valier, Augusta, Shelby, Choteau, and Sunburst FFA chapters for being in attendance and making this event run smoothly and effectively. Additionally, we thank the state officers, Ryan Bal, Grace McPherson, Grace Mosher, and Romulus Hiner for their exemplary leadership and for conducting the workshops.

A special thank you goes to The Homestead Cafe for feeding all attendees and making sure they are fueled to continue throughout the rest of the day. We appreciate all the hard work each and every one of your staff did to make sure these kids were well fed. There were 110 lunches ordered and the Homestead did an amazing job at completing them.

District Leadership School was a great way to begin our FFA year, building knowledge and keys to becoming a better leader!


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