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Back To School

And just like that summer vacation is over! Every year, summer break seems to get shorter and shorter. I remember when school would not begin until after Labor Day, but last Wednesday saw the familiar yellow and black school buses, filled with sleepy students, drop them off at their home-away-from home, for another fun-filled year of learning and reconnecting with friends that some hadn’t seen in the last few months.

Actually, if students were honest, they would confess that they were really beginning to get bored at home, and were looking forward to getting back to familiarity of what their life has been like up until now. And you saw this as you saw them smile and pose in front of the school for the traditional “First-Day Picture”, as their smiling parents recorded yet another day one pic. Yeah, the parents were smiling too! (Hmmm,I wonder why?)

School, love it or hate it. It’s going to be that part of life, that when you’re adults, you’ll look back at it with fondness and wish you could bring those days back again. So, make the best of it. Have a great year!!

“Introducing a New ME!”

There’s a new ME this year,

An on-time ME,

A clean-desk ME,

A first-to-hand-in-assignments ME,

A listens-in-class-to-the-teacher ME,

A teacher’s-pet-for-the-first-time-in-my-life ME,

An-always-willing-to-be-good-and help-out ME,

A dead-serious-get-the-work-done-and-hand-it-in Before-it’s-due ME.

The problem is The new ME Is not like ME At all.

- Poem by Kalli Dakos Put Your Eyes Up Here and Other School Poem (Simon and Schuster)


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