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God Ways are Victorious Ways

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 22

This coming weekend is supposed to be dedicated to the honoring of, remembering of the soldiers who have died in defense of the country. It is supposed to be a somber time, a time of reflection on sacrifice. For a soldier and their family, to suffer death on the battlefield is truly the ultimate sacrifice. I have had people in my life whose families had lost uncles, fathers, brothers, cousins and friends in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, during special operations in the 1980s-90s, and the endless war on terrorism since 2001. It is for sure a life-changing event that reaches out through eternity.

To lose a loved one is usually a difficult thing, even if expected (i.e. long-term illness). Even for a solid Christian, who has the certainty and hope of Heaven and reunion with their loved one, it can be so hard. Separation is never easy with someone you love, and whose life ended on a battlefield halfway around the world. Then I think about the financial side of war, the politics of war, the unending nature of war, and it can make me quite furious. There is no doubt the need for a country to defend itself. Look at what is going on in Israel right now and has been for decades. When a group of people is committed to the elimination of your family and society, you have a moral right to defend your loved ones and punish the attacking forces. The loss of war is greater than most of us can imagine.

So many of our veterans struggle with the pain in their soul over the loss of a friend, or over the lives they took. The reality of war and its losses is etched on their lives. To see how the politics of war play out, how the politicians and corporations make fortunes off war, sure makes me question things. Today war has invaded our families in the attacks on the pre-born, our children and the sacred institution of marriage. Murder occurs at least 15 times a day in the abortion factories here in Montana. That does not include using the “pill”. The murder of a child is an act of war on that child.

Then we get into the murder and killing of our sons and daughters lives by encouraging, promoting, and funding the destruction of their bodies by saying boys can be girls, and girls can be boys if that is what they want. We destroy lives and families by embracing homosexual marriages (men/men and women/women). It is a terrible thing to promulgate deviant acts, mental illness, and rebellion against the percepts and program of God. Yet that is where we sit as a society and across much of the world.

Unlike our greedy politicians and corporate warmongers, God has a plan of war against the enemy that does not vary with the times, involves no financial benefit for Him, and is a proven winner. His plan’s implementation will totally defeat the agenda of his enemy. It provides victory over pornography, financial ruin, abuse, adultery, sexual confusion, negative thinking, bullying, spousal abuse, broken families, eternal separation in families, and so much more. His plan can ease the pain of the acts of war committed against the ones you love and you. It is called forgiveness in the face of Jesus Christ. In fact, when you join the army of God, even if your physical body dies, you don’t. Your spirit and soul will one day be reunited with an eternal body. The loss of “body” and relationship with others on the team is only temporary.

To enroll the winning army of the ages you must realize you are a sinner who needs a savior. You have violated God’s laws and are condemned to the losing side. But God has graciously offered you an opportunity to switch sides. He cannot allow a treasonous soldier to join his army (a sinner who shakes his fist at God), but if that solider will humble himself and grasp the hand that is already extended to him, he can be lifted and saved. Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved. God’s soldiers will never be abandoned, left behind, or wonder if their service mattered.

Please remember and honor those in our Armed Forces who have died in defense of our country and pray for their families this weekend.

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. He is also pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected]


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