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Cascade Public Schools Greenhouse Update

Update on the greenhouse! If the weather would last a little longer than 2 dry days, we could get cement poured into the corner braces. That currently is what is holding up our progress. Once those can get poured, the rest of the structure should go up rapidly. Barb Byrne is going to have some other adults that will be able to help within the next week with the raising of the structure, building of the walls and pulling on the plastic. We do have flowers already growing in the indoor greenhouse, waiting for the big greenhouse to be ready to hold their growth. Plant science students are taking care of those plants and getting ready to plant vegetable seeds within the next week.

Discussion of a community garden was moved during our last chapter meeting. We will be working on plans for hosting some sort of community garden. Nothing was finalized on what that would look like, with ideas of growing and harvesting, then just selling the produce to just building the garden boxes, and providing the plants to the community members who would be interested in growing vegetables. Lots of discussion with great ideas in the works. We have also discussed planting pumpkin seeds with the lower elementary students, one in a cup to take home, and preparing a “pumpkin patch” up on the hill west of the greenhouse. These plants would ideally be planted mid May for the availability of those younger students harvesting pumpkins come October. LOTS of fun ideas that our agriculture students have and I can’t wait to hopefully implement some of these ideas for our community! 

As always, thank you for your continued support of your Cascade FFA and Agriculture Department.


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