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District Music Festival

District Music Festival was held last Thursday and Friday, April 11 and 12 in Great Falls. The musicians from Cascade High School did an awesome job representing our school! Thursday saw the High School Band travel to the University of Providence to perform as a large group. They played two prepared pieces as well as doing some sight reading. The prepared pieces were top notch and the adjudicators were very pleased with the way the band looked, acted and played! The prepared pieces earned a Superior (I) rating with some very good comments and the sight reading piece ( a piece they had not seen before) went well, also, earning an Excellent (II) rating. The adjudicators were especially impressed as the Cascade Band is composed of mostly Freshmen! The Sophomores and Juniors have certainly contributed to their learning!

Friday was the day reserved for small ensembles and solos to present their pieces. The Friday District Music Festival was held at CMR High School and we had several students participate, including: Breanna Sawyer, Clarinet solo, Ian McKamey, Snare Drum solo, Trent Lane, Saxophone solo, Madi Faldzinski, Saxophone solo, and Abby Einspahr/Sierra Sorenson, Clarinet/Trumpet duet. All of these students earned an Excellent (II) rating from the adjudicators. The Badger Jazz Band also performed at CMR and earned an Excellent (II) rating. Most of these scores were very high and they all deserve a round of applause! It's not easy getting up in front of the judges and performing as a soloist!

We also had two students earn a Superior (I) rating on their solos! They were Sierra Sorenson, Trumpet and Abby Einspahr, Clarinet. Students in small groups or solos who earn a Superior rating qualify to move on to the State Music Festival. Congratulations to these two as they will be going to the State Music Festival in Helena on May 3 and 4th!

The Cascade Music Department did a great job at festival this year-Congratulations!


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