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Just Give Up and Win

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 20

I imagine that many who read these articles would call themselves “Christian”. But I am not so naive as to think everyone who reads them would be, as Jesus says, “born-again”. There are many religious souls who feel they are right with God, when in fact they are not. So many strive for “victory”, over finances, sinful habits, work situations, etc. We think our striving and efforts will give us “victory” in the spiritual realm because it works in the physical realm. But with God, victory usually comes after we have been defeated. What I mean is that God must first conquer a man before He can bless that man. How fully God has victory over you is of tremendous importance.

Jacob, the ancient patriarch of Israel, was a man who was shrewd in business, a capable liar (and who isn’t at times?), a passionate man with several wives which is not God’s plan, a man whose fear of his brother and duplicity followed him through life like his shadow on a hot, sunny summer day. He was on a journey when God visited him in the night, and they wrestled until daybreak. It was only when God touched the hollow of his thigh, and rendered this hard man a bit crippled, that Jacob surrendered, and he got a new name, Israel. Instead of schemer his name would become “one who wrestled with God”.

I would say that all of us today are wrestling with God in some fashion. Afterall we are created beings, made in His image. None of us lives apart from the hand and providence of God. Yet, many reject this truth, atheists, deists, agnostics, self-made men, etc. They live each day as if they are the masters of the universe, but in the end, all come to realize it is but chasing after the wind. Christian this could be you too! The cars, yachts, ranches, bank accounts, titles of nobility, are all left behind when the heartbeat stills and darkness, fire, sulfur, and isolation invade the soul.

God confronted Jacob because He loved him and desired the best for him. He has done that to me, and I hope to you. Paul the Apostle wrote to be carnally minded is death and those who walk in the flesh cannot please God. We all need to have God invade our souls and conquer us a bit don’t you agree? Where in life can you truly say God has full control? How much of you does He have? 30, 50, 70 percent maybe? He gave his all for you, remember that’s what Resurrection Day was about.

Jesus said to follow him is to die to self, to take up your cross daily and follow Him. Let us not keep trying to fool others and ourselves that we are really living for God, when in fact we are often living to please ourselves and others. The hymn “Victory in Jesus” has a line that says, “all my love is due him”. That is so true. Real faith is not just passive acceptance, it is love in action, it is realizing you have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer you who live, it is Christ in you the Hope of glory, it is not surrendering your body to acts of wickedness, it is being a new creation because your creator died for you so you may live!

I pray that this moment will be a holy ground experience for you, lay your life on the altar, surrender to Christ today, receive the gift of salvation by faith that is promised to all who believe. God Bless You!

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. He is also pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected]


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