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Resurrection Reality!

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 17

Though still a month away, my thoughts this morning are on the celebration of Easter. The event that forever changed the world. The event that impacts every soul that has ever lived. The first Easter was the day the disciples and enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ discovered that the tomb in which Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus had laid the body of Jesus was empty. The disciples of Jesus were perplexed and sorrowful over the empty tomb. Even though Jesus had been telling them for months, that He would be rejected, crucified (he used the term “lifted up”) and then rise from the dead after three days, in their sorrow and confusion they did not understand the events of history they were living in.

Although the disciples of Jesus were truly committed to him, witnessed the miracles and listened to his teaching, they did not have a complete understanding of who he really was until the reality of his resurrection. Even though Jesus had spent three years preparing them for this moment in time, they were overwhelmed with sorrow and fear. It seemed the preparations Jesus had put in to place were wasted. However, when the disciples saw the risen Lord, talked with him and ate with him then they knew without a doubt that all he had taught them was true.

If the resurrection of Jesus were a lie, then the disciples who died as martyrs died for a lie. If the resurrection of Jesus did not occur then, Jesus was not the Son of God come in the flesh and would be considered a lunatic by some as he died for a self-induced delusion. Some have said Jesus resuscitated after being placed in the tomb. If this were so then the professional executioners who oversaw his crucifixion really blew it. They broke the legs of the two thieves who were crucified with him, but not Jesus’ as he was already dead. If he were not dead, and they had not broken his legs, these soldiers would have been putting themselves in danger for failing in their duty. The mixture of water and blood that flowed from the spear wound in his side is a medical fact of the physiological reaction of a body that has died from crucifixion. Since his mother Mary was there at his death, don’t you think she would have made sure he was in fact dead before allowing him to be buried?

There are many good books written explaining why Jesus’ resurrection is a historical fact. The most important one is the Holy Bible. I encourage you to read the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. At least read the last few chapters of each Gospel to learn about the four eyewitness accounts of this historical event, and one I hope becomes for you a life changing event.

Easter is not about the pomp and circumstance of religious activities. It is not about chocolate bunnies. It is about God looking out on the sea of humanity, seeing the brokenness and separation that sin brings between Him and us, and providing the only way for mankind to be in right relationship with Him for all eternity. Easter is living proof that God keeps His promises.

The reality of the empty tomb, and who and what it represents is what sustains millions of Christians living as slaves in China, Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, and in fact almost every Muslim nation in the world. Do not be deceived, the imprisonment of Jesus Followers is more real today than ever. Even in the USA one would have to be morally and spiritually blinded to see that the forces of evil are every day attacking Chrisitan/Biblical values and ethics through our legislative and judicial systems. Our greatest need is not a political savior, but the real deal, Jesus Christ.

In closing I invite you to read Hebrews 2:14. This verse speaks of the humanity of Christ and how Jesus has defeated the devil’s power over man. Read Romans 4:25 to understand that Jesus was raised for our justification (a word that means those who receive Jesus as Savior are viewed as never having broken God’s laws because they trust in the one who paid the penalty for their sins…Jesus!). I invite you to search the scriptures, the Holy Bible, and prepare your heart for Easter. Prepare your heart for Christ. Prepare your heart for the unknown of this life and for the certainty of Heaven for those who believe (John 14: 1-3).

I would love to meet with you and answer any questions you may have about becoming a Christian. If you are a Christian but are looking for community in a Bible study group, we would love to have you join the one we have with some wonderful folks in Wolf Creek. Maybe you need encouragement, I would love to talk with you. Thanks for reading this edition of “Mountaintop Musings” and prepare your heart to have a Blessed Easter!

(Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. He is also pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected])


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