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Are You a Friend of Jesus?

Recently, I watched the movie: Same Kind of Different as Me. A film about friendship…true friendship. The movie documents the true story of an unlikely friendship formed between Ron, a wealthy art dealer and Denver, a volatile homeless man. It tells how God has worked through that friendship, to not only change the hearts of the two men and the community in which they lived, but to influence countless lives for the cause of Christ through their inspiring story. At one point in the movie, the fate of the relationship hangs in the balance as Denver confronts Ron in a darkened alley, across from the homeless shelter. As the two men talk, Denver skeptically asks Ron a question: “You want to be my friend?” “Yes” answers Ron. “Well, I’m gonna have to think about that” comes Denver’s slow and careful response. Denver took the idea of friendship seriously.

True friendships are lasting and loyal. True friends have staying power through thick and thin. True friends are trustworthy, they exist to help, support, encourage and speak truth. Like Ron did with Denver, Jesus extends his hand of friendship toward us. He did this by not only dying in our place but by giving us His indwelling spirit which fulfills all of the aforementioned qualities and so much more. But friendship is a two-way street. What kind of friend have you shown yourself to be to Jesus?

Jesus declares in John 15:14, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” In the gospel accounts, there are many things Jesus asks us to do. Let’s see how we do with just a few of them: Do you seek Him regularly, in honest prayer (Matt. 26:41) or does it suffice when you rattle off a quickie before your meal, thanking him for your food? Do you seek God’s Kingdom first (Matt. 6:33), or first seek the charms of this world? Have you reconciled with your brother, who has offended, or are you holding onto a grudge? (Matt. 5: 23-25)? Have you kept your word lately? Lived with utmost integrity (Matt. 5:37)? Has the light of Christ been shining through you so that others would see Him clearly (Matt. 5:16)? Have you treated your “enemies” with the love of Christ (Matt. 5:44-46)? When was the last time you could say you willingly went “the second mile” for anyone (Matt. 5:41-42)?

Being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer of the Word is our part of being a faithful friend to Jesus. Now, as believers, we don’t always fulfill our end of the bargain, but there is good news! Another command of Jesus is that we are to “Repent” (Matt. 4:17) and when we do, He is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9). So, like Denver, consider carefully Jesus’ invitation to be a friend, knowing that true friendship requires that our lives match up with what we say we believe.  


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