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Ulm News


Starting off our new year with some late news from December. The Ulm Pinochle Club had a great cookie exchange and games at Mary's house. It was beautiful and fun with great hospitality. Nancy and Val both had double pinochles and Nancy won high score for the night. Severin was low for the evening and we all had a festive time. We are looking forward to our January game on the 8th.

Lets start out January with some birthday wishes: Penny Palm Bucher, 1st; Josh Herman, 2nd; Bill Polston, 3rd; DeeAnn Ferrara, 6th; Brandon Lewis, 11th; Caybree Ludvigson-Belnap, 12th; Wendy Holets and Brett Edelman, 13th; Pat Parker, 16th; Kelsa Miller, 17th; Echo Hovland, 19th; Chuck Crowell, 21st; Karson Stensland, 23rd; Brittney Calvert, 25th; Lizette Hofer and Frank Ball, 27th; Elise Crago and John Wiench, 28th; Melody Henrie and Tony Formell, 29th; Kris Heikkila-Malee, 30th; Nina Formall, 31st

Happy Happy Birthday to you all.

If you would like your family's birthday listed here in the paper, please get ahold of me at 788-2451. I would love to add some new people to our list. The same goes for Ulm news. Please let me know if you have some outstanding news or trips or anything news worthy so I can get it in here. Speaking of trips, Deb Hanson is embarking on a 3 month cruise down and around Australia and back. She will have some great stories to tell of all the ports that she gets to visit. We'll have to get the low down when she gets back. Over the Christmas break a few of us from Ulm took advantage of Showdown ski area. Brittney and Annibel Calvert, Deb Hanson, myself, Severin Gilbert and her twins, James and Bridger Lewis and Angie, Rhett and Reece Hastings were all up there either Friday, Sat and or Sunday. The younger ones were there for ski school and the rest of us were just there for a great day of skiing. Pray for snow as it is not ideal, but it was super nice to get out in the fresh air and blue skys. The Ulm 4-H club will be having our first meeting of the new year on the 7th. We are having our pinata party courtesy of the Eden 4-H Club. The steer members have their steers in possession and the rest of them are working in their books. We are looking forward to project days, and the MAGIE this month. Then we will be starting our Easter egg hunt preparations as Eater comes super early this year. Since we don't have snow now I have a feeling we might be hunting eggs in the snow this year. Lets hope I'm wrong. I forgot to mention that the Ulm Fire Dept has poured the cement slab that will hold an addition in the future. This is super exciting news as it will eventually be available to the town for meetings and events. I for one can't wait as the 4-H group is now at 61 members. We are outgrowing the church and will be happy to have a bigger space. We are still keeping Harper Spurzem, Owen Kinane and Aiden Caldwell in our thoughts and prayers for healing and I ask that we add Keith and Kathryn Loague to the list as she is in the hospital in a bad way. There have been multiple people very sick with the crud also so my hope is that we all get and stay healthy in this new year.


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