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Ephesians 2:8-9 & 10

The letter to the Church in Ephesus is one of the richest in the New Testament. And for many Christians, Eph. 2:8-9 are two favorite verses. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast."

Many-a discussion in Sunday school groups, Bible college classrooms, and seminary coffee shops has ensued about these two verses so rich in theological meaning and personal import regarding salvation. Such emphases on these two verses, however, have all-to-often overshadowed verse 10. Can you recite it now? Whereas many Christians have memorized verses eight and nine, it seems that verse 10 escapes our memory or maybe never has seriously entered it.

Why is that? Maybe because verses eight and nine mention a gift of eternal benefit and verse 10 moves quickly into earthly work. Isn’t that a little like getting a new lawn rake for Christmas? Yes, it’s a gift. But it doesn’t seem too “gifty” when autumn rolls out its carpet of leaves on your yard.

Verse 10 relates the earthly purpose for the gift of eternal salvation. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

Wait a minute. I have to work for my salvation?

No. You don’t. But we are to work because of it; and that not out of compulsion, but compassion. That compassion comes from Christ in whom we have been created and made new — wholly new, original, that which never before existed.

We need not struggle to invent or discover good works because God already has prepared them. They await us.

If you have not yet memorized Ephesians 2:10 along with the previous two verses, then that should be your next good work. And after memorization comes application.


Help me, God, to run to verse 10 in obedience rather than to linger too long at the previous two. Amen.

Norm Miller can be contacted at [email protected]


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