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Can God Use Me?

Sometimes feelings of isolation and insignificance produce a synergy that squelches our outlook. And that can cause a spiritual introspection that evolves into unwarranted self-criticism leading to feelings of futility. Reading about the larger-than-life conquering victors, powerful preachers, and sacrificial Christ followers in the Bible, though encouraging, can cause Christians to think their Kingdom tasks are menial by comparison.

“If I could only slay a giant. If I could only part the sea. If I could only raise the dead.” Don’t be tempted to play the “if only” game because you will lose. However, there are many verses to help alleviate these feelings that attempt to controvert the facts of God’s word. One such verse is 1 Cor. 1:26.

In his letter to the believers in the Church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul reminds them of who they were when God called them. Many were not wise, nor strong, nor notable. They were just everyday people. Paul is telling them that few were highly educated, or were physically mighty, or came from highly respected families with social and/or political status.

So, what is God saying? God is saying that he is far more interested in relationship than scholarship. He values spiritual availability over physical ability. He says that faith is way more important than fame.

Instead of playing the “if only” game, recall that you can do all things in the strength of Christ (Phil. 4:13). You don’t need a college degree, nor be able to complete a triathlon, and you don’t have to command the respect of anyone else. You need only to rely on the strength of Christ.

Keep your knees bent and your chin up, and you will accomplish one of the greatest feats in all of the Bible: obedience to God.


Lord, When I pray about feelings of insignificance, nudge my mind to acknowledge that I am conversing with the Creator of the universe, who loves me, and whose Son died for me. Amen.


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