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And Now, The Rest of the Story!

So, what did happen at the Castellanos' house last Tuesday that had Facebook abuzz? Here's the lowdown. You know how it is. You're relaxing late at night, watching tv and, although you had dinner earlier in the evening, you get a craving for more. So between commercials, you go back into the kitchen, turn on the stove to reheat some of those delicious leftovers, and go back to watch your show, while you're waiting for the stove to warm up. But the action on the movie begins to "heat up", and you sit back down, eyes glued to the set. And you forget all about the leftovers... until..."Where's that smoke coming from?!!" And as you realize that the house is filling up with smoke, you look back toward the kitchen to see flames flaring up from the stove into the hood vent...and you PANIC!!!

"Where's my phone??" And like so many times, you can't find it, so you rush out to your husband's office in the backyard yelling, "Give me your phone!"


"No, I need to call 911; the house is on fire!!"

It's here that the hero-husband rushes out toward the house as his wife yells, "No don't go in there!!"

But, throwing caution to the wind, he rushes in anyway, because that's what all heroes do!, Blinded by the smoke and choking, he makes his way to the kitchen, spots the cause of the smoke, a small flame now, and melting stove knobs and vent fan, and puts it out. He goes around opening all the windows, trying to hold his breath to keep from inhaling all that smoke. (He's never been a smoker, and he's not about to start now!) He finds his wife's phone on the floor, where she dropped it in her panic, and storms out of the house before his lungs burst!

By now the paramedic has arrived, followed by the fire engines. Of course, all this time the fire alarms in the house have been going off, the dogs are trembling, hiding in my office, and I'm sure the entire neighborhood is wondering what's up. The rest of the story...?

My vitals are fine, my blood pressure a little elevated (duh), but otherwise, I'll live! No need to be taken in. The fire department goes straight to work, doing what they do best, clearing out the smoke, and ensuring that the fire is truly out and the house safe. The end result for us is peace of mind. It's a "Volunteer" Fire Department", but they're all professionals! They're dedicated and they're dependable! And Cascade is lucky to have them!!

I was thinking about making them some tamales, in appreciation, but I just remembered, I have no stove!


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