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Superintendent Arntzen to Host Monthly Parental Updates on Education Legislation

HELENA – Superintendent Arntzen will host monthly virtual discussions focusing on education legislation passed during the 68th legislative session. The discussions are open to parents, families, teachers, school leaders, and legislators. The theme of these discussions is Local Accountability: How Recent Legislation Affects Families, Students, and Communities. All discussions will take place from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM via Zoom and will be moderated by the Office of Public Instruction’s Chief Legal Counsel.

“Local accountability can only be achieved through parental and community engagement in our education system,” said Superintendent Elsie Arntzen. “Many parents and school leaders reach to my office seeking guidance and clarification on how new legislation will affect their students. These discussions are educational opportunities for families, school, and communities.”

The discussions times and topics are:

June 21, 2023 – Comparing Charter School Bills: Public Charter Schools: HB 549 and Community Choice Schools: HB 562

July 26, 2023 – Discussing Obscenity: HB 234 , Notification Requirements, and Religious Freedom: HB 744 and HB 745

August 23, 2023 – Special Needs Equal Opportunity Act: HB 393

September 20, 2023 – Parental Rights: HB 676 and SB 518

Additional discussions will take place during the fall, please follow our new Parent Resources page for updates and more information.


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