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Reality Check

“As a dog returns to his own vomit, a fool repeats his folly,” Prov. 26:11.

Well, if that’s not a slap in the face! A significant portion of the Bible is just that. Like a rude awakening, this Proverb jolts the senses and the soul.

Whereas so many devotionals are low-calorie spiritual food that specialize in sugary warm fuzzies (which are likely the most popular, too), there are times when a devotional thought needs to shake me by the shoulders and turn my head around.

Whether the distraction is money, lust, food, drunkenness (alcohol or drugs), aspects of the hell-bound life Satan still throws as evil darts to bluff us off the straight and narrow. That is a problem, an ongoing struggle. But even more troubling is feeding the desire to pursue those former sins. As Christians, we need to be more of a moving target than a willing victim. And the longer we follow Christ, the less effective temptations will be.

God calls the vomit-hungry dog a fool. It’s not my job to pass judgement on you. Rather, it is my responsibility to ensure that my feet stay on the sacred path and encourage other Christians to do the same.

Pray for me. I’ll pray for you.

Reach Norm Miller at [email protected]


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