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The Empty Tomb Gives Us Hope

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 2

I feel that many people like the idea of Jesus rising from the dead, because they have hope that the grave is not the end of ones being. They have the idea that everyone will benefit from the “gift of salvation” and receive a “get out of hell free card”. We have the right to think that way because as free moral agents, we can think what we want. We can act however we want, but consequences will be required. That is where things get a bit messy for us.

Those who by faith believe that Jesus paid the penalty for their sins by his death can have eternal life. That is the clear teaching of the Bible. From the beginning of Genesis to Revelation 22:21 that is the theme and core of all the Bible teaches. Jesus fulfilled the type represented by the Passover Lamb. His blood applied to the doorposts of our heart by faith, means that the death or separation of our souls from God cannot happen. John 3:16 says whoever believes in Him will not perish. It is truly quite plain and easy to accept.

The women who came to the tomb early Sunday found the large stone rolled away, and two angels there telling them to stop looking for the living amongst the dead. They said, “He is risen”. The fact that Jesus was not held captive by death proves He was truly the sinless God-Man, the Messiah.

Jesus rose from the dead just as he said he would. Luke 24 is a good chapter to read about this amazing event. The Old Testament prophecies about Jesus all came true, at least those associated with his first coming. Born of a virgin in Bethlehem, a descendant of David, the one to heal the blind, sick, lame and broken hearted, etc. The death he died, the gambling for his clothing, being put to death with those who were criminals, and on and on. Roughly 300 prophecies were fulfilled at his first coming, and many more to come!

Jesus was and is the Son of God. God was satisfied with the payment for mans sin by the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus did rise from the dead and ascend into heaven. So, what this means is that for those who accept Jesus’ payment for their sin, those who have not seen him, they can by faith come to him for forgiveness. If you will accept that Jesus died for you. That He paid the penalty for sin that your sins require. That He rose from the dead on the third day, you can find yourself with the Holy Spirit of God indwelling you, making the scriptures come alive in your life. In 1 Corinthians 2:14 Paul writes the natural (unsaved) man cannot receive the things of God because they are foolish to him. So, if you read the Bible and it makes no sense, it is probably because you have not personally received Jesus Christ as Your personal Lord and Savior.

If you are feeling hopeless due to the circumstances you find yourself in; If disappointment in the choices and path of life have you depressed, then come to Jesus. He is the One who can truly give you hope, healing and life! Easter has passed, but the offer of redemption is still on the table of life. The tomb he was laid in is empty. What will you decide?

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith America’s oldest Christian home mission agency, and effective May 1, 2023, the Pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935; or [email protected].


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