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Truth You Can Live (Forever) By!

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 1

This past Sunday was a celebration of life, it was Easter, Resurrection Day. It was also a painful memory that before Jesus was raised to new life, He suffered the most horrible death possible. He suffered physically, mentally, and spiritually. All for us. For me and for you. Some of the lessons of Easter are that sin must be paid for completely, Jesus was completely sinless, he was separated from God the Father for our sins, and that he accomplished all that was necessary for our deliverance from Satan, sin, and death.

This event is the greatest event of history. It was the turning point in history which all people looked forward to, and all look back to. Your take on that infamous day ~1,991 years ago will determine your destiny.

Jesus was crucified. We know this from the Holy Bible but also from secular historians of the era (Josephus is one). There was eyewitness testimony from many people. The mixture of wine and myrrh that was offered to him was an act of mercy to deaden his pain (Mark 15:23), which he refused. Nails were driven into his battered and bloodied body to hold him to the rough cross of torment, and his clothes were gambled for (Mark 15: 24). This was a fulfillment of David’s prophetic Psalms 22:16, 18. Many doubted crucifixions were used at this point in time until 1968 when archeologists found the remains of a person with nails in their foot bones.

The sign above his head said King of the Jews, rather than listing the criminal charge that was usually written on it. That was because Jesus was innocent of all charges, no sin was ever committed by the Holy One of Israel. That was due to his being fully God, yet fully man. Hebrews 4:15 tells us he was tempted in all ways like us, but without sin.

His being mocked and insulted was prophesied in Psalm 22: 6-8. Without mans sin being paid for by the shedding of blood God could never receive anyone into heaven. The death of Jesus is the fulfillment of all Old Testament types, most notably the Passover Lamb. All Old Testament sacrifices from the animals slain to make clothing for Adam and Eve, to the ram provided in place of Isaac to the Mosaic Law sacrifices were insufficient to appease God’s wrath. They all provided a temporary covering, or “pass” one might say, until Jesus came.

As horrible as the scourging, beatings, mocking and being nailed to a cross was, the worst thing Jesus suffered was the three hours of separation from the Father as darkness came over the land from noon to 3 pm. This was God turning away from Jesus as he bore the sins of all time and all humanity himself. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Physical death but also the death of man being alienated from his Creator. This is when our sins were completely paid for and covered.

Jesus took our complete punishment for sin so that God could offer to us the gift of salvation freely and completely if we accept what Jesus did on our behalf. He did all that was necessary for man’s forgiveness, deliverance from Satan, sin, and death. When we put our trust in Jesus for our forgiveness and acceptance God will give us the gift of everlasting life with him.

The veil in the temple was ripped open from the top down. An earthquake happened and many dead people came back to life and entered into Jerusalem. This was witnessed by many both friend and foe of Jesus. Our good works, church attendance, wealth, family lineage, religion, rule keeping, and self-effort cannot save us. Only by receiving Jesus, accepting the work of redemption that he accomplished, can one be made right with God.

In his death he fulfilled many prophecies, and in his resurrection. Because the tomb was found empty that first Easter Morning, we know death and Satan had no hold on him. He was/is the Messiah, Savior, Son of God that He claimed to be.

Jesus died for you so you might truly live. Have you received the gift of Eternal Life that he offers to all who believe? I hope you will. God Bless.

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935; or [email protected].


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