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Articles from the June 6, 2024 edition

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  • School's Out!

    Ray Castellanos|Jun 6, 2024

    "No more pencils; no more books; no more teachers' dirty looks. Out for summer. Out 'til fall. We might not come back at all!" - Alice Cooper, "School's Out" Well, we all know that's not true. A couple of weeks into their summer break and they're going to miss the classroom and their friends. And their teachers! Yeah, they'll miss those teachers' "dirty looks", and they'll realize that they really were looks of love; looks which brought their daydreaming back into the lesson; looks that taught...

  • Congratulations Class Of 2036

    Ray Castellanos|Jun 6, 2024

    Always a treat to watch is the Kindergarten Graduation, not only because they'll amaze you with how much they've learned in one year, but also because they run the entire program! Kindergarten teachers Sharon Stevens and Alexis Culp did an outstanding job in preparing these kids for first grade. Kids that one imagines were probably unmanageable on that first day of school back in August (we all know what kind of kids we dropped on the laps of these unsuspecting teachers that first day), they've...

  • Lunar Time

    Edward Martin|Jun 6, 2024

    In local news, the first mosquito of the season has appeared, right on schedule. There’s always a lag between them showing up and when effective spraying begins. For those who prefer not to douse themselves in mosquito repellant it’s useful to reacquaint ourselves with how to get relief once we’re bitten. I like the method of applying the back of a spoon heated in hot water to relieve itching but there are lots of others. In addition to all sorts of anti-itch products on the market, there...

  • Obituary: James Alan Belisle

    Jun 6, 2024

    On February 10, 2024, at the age of sixty-four, James Alan Belisle passed away peacefully in Spokane, WA, in the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Ron and Kathy, and surrounded by the love and care of his siblings. He had suffered a stroke on December 28th, 2023. The days following were spent at Sacred Heart in Spokane with swarms of family arriving at his bedside and via FaceTime, sharing their love and favorite memories with him. He felt deeply loved upon his death. The last of seven...

  • Give Honor to Whom Honor Is Due

    Dave Carroll|Jun 6, 2024

    Time, they say, eases the heartache and disappointments of life. I would add to that it also diminishes the highlights, the wonderful things of life. By that I think of the many championships my children won playing baseball, basketball and softball, and even myself as a young guy. At the time the victory is sweet, I mean it is always better to win a championship game than lose it right? But the fame and exultation soon fade, and life goes on. As young adults, married with kids (most of them) they are busy working and raising their families, an...

  • The Reason For The Cross

    Lee Vickers, Local Contributor|Jun 6, 2024

    Why did Jesus Christ die on the Cross? The path to the Cross begins in Eden … As Genesis chapter 1 relates, mankind was made in God’s image and was declared by God to be “very good” (verses 27, 31). Adam and Eve were able to behold God and to talk with Him face to face because they had not sinned. Just what is sin, by the way? The Bible defines it simply and clearly: “To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17 KJV) In modern wording: If you know what is good/right, but don’t do it, you have sinned. Sin i...

  • American Legion Post 133 Donates Classroom Flags

    Lew Thoenes|Jun 6, 2024

    Recently, the Hood-Mortag American Legion Post 133 and Auxiliary of Cascade, Montana learned, through American Legion News, that all classrooms in Montrana were required to display an American Flag. With this information, contact was made with the Cascade Schools and it was learned that several classrooms were not in compliance. Several flags have been purchased and donated to our schools. Since then, it has been determined that the number has increased and more flags have been placed on order....

  • Say It isn't So, Karen!

    Ray Castellanos|Jun 6, 2024

    Friends, school staff, and former co-workers got together Friday morning to bid farewell to a beloved lady who had been a fixture at Cascade Public Schools for the last 35 years. Karen Matteson, libraian and former teacher, who has made an impact in the lives of almost every child who has passed through the hallways of this school, will at last take that well-deserved retirement, to begin a new chapter in her life. Presented with a rocking chair, signed by the staff, Karen has plans to travel...

  • Eighth Grade Celebration

    Jun 6, 2024

    Ending a hectic end of school week was the Eighth Grade Celebration, held Thursday evening, and marking the transition of these students from middle school into high school. Class advisors were Mrs. Formell and Mrs. Johnson. Following the Opening Procession, Principal Michael Wilson welcomed the parents and friends to the night's celebration. P.T.A. Awards were presented by Mrs. Costa to recipients Robert (Bobby) Rumney and Alexandria (Allie) Park. Mr. Wilson presented the Honors Awards to...

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