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Articles from the April 13, 2023 edition

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  • Levy Election Community Meetings at Cascade

    Ray Castellanos, Courier Reporter|Apr 13, 2023

    Cascade Public Schools Superintendent, Levi Collins, and Business Manager/District Clerk, Karsen Floerchinger, held two public community meetings last week, one on Tuesday at the Cascade Senior/Community Center, and the other on Thursday at the School. The purpose for these meetings was to inform the public of the upcoming Building Reserve Levy Election. A power point presentation explained the need for a Chilled Water System Addition, upgrades to the boiler plant, to the LED lighting, and to...

  • The Hunt Is On!

    Alex Romero|Apr 13, 2023

    The Town of Cascade got ready for its Annual Lion's Club Easter Egg Hunt last Sunday at Rail Road Park. You couldn't have asked for better weather as parents, children and non other than Cascade Volunteer Fire Department were counting down the minutes to let loose and go egg hunting. As the fire trucks gave the signal, kids ran in search of colorful Easter eggs hidden across the park and amongst the trees. Prizes, candy and and array of goodies were hidden inside as kids scooped them all up and...

  • Superintendent Elsie Arntzen Asks Montanans to Nominate 2024 Teacher of the Year Candidates

    Apr 13, 2023

    HELENA – Superintendent Arntzen is asking all Montanans to nominate 2024 Montana Teacher of the Year candidates. The Montana Teacher of the Year award recognizes teachers who: - elevate student success by celebrating teachers who honor individual student strengths and each child's unique abilities - empower classroom innovation by recognizing teachers who are responsive to the complex realities that define Montana's diverse and unique classrooms across the state - enhance pathways to teacher leadership by creating teacher ambassadors at the l...

  • Truth You Can Live (Forever) By!

    Dave Carroll|Apr 13, 2023

    This past Sunday was a celebration of life, it was Easter, Resurrection Day. It was also a painful memory that before Jesus was raised to new life, He suffered the most horrible death possible. He suffered physically, mentally, and spiritually. All for us. For me and for you. Some of the lessons of Easter are that sin must be paid for completely, Jesus was completely sinless, he was separated from God the Father for our sins, and that he accomplished all that was necessary for our deliverance from Satan, sin, and death. This event is the...

  • The NFL Comes to Cascade!

    Ray Castellanos, Courier Reporter|Apr 13, 2023

    Little Cascade, Montana was invaded by the NFL this past week as players from several NFL teams came here for some of the finest fishing in Montana. And this is not the first time they've come. One particular player, who will remain nameless, has made it a tradition to jump into the cold Missouri River for good luck on these fishing trips It seems that the last couple of times he's done this, his team has won the Super Bowl! Rumor has it that he was seen going in for a possible third...

  • Rising Junior High Basketball Stars

    Alex Romero|Apr 13, 2023

    In true coach fashion, Jeremy Butcher, Boys JH Basketball Coach, praised his team last Tuesday at United Methodist Church. It was a fitting dinner, as it was Taco Tuesday, with plenty to go around as the team, parents and staff ate and conversed. Coach described all the attributes, strong points and developments for each of the players. Rest assured Cascade, this JH Badger Team is on a mission and is being well prepared by Head Coach Butcher, along side Assistant Coaches Jason Raether and Andy...


    Apr 13, 2023

    SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION Under MCA 20-3-313, if the number of candidates filing for vacant positions or filing a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate is equal to or less than the number of positions to be elected, the trustees may cancel the election. As of the March 31st deadline, two candidates had filed for the two vacant trustee positions. The school trustee election has been declared canceled by election administrator, Karsen Floerchinger on behalf of the Cascade Board of Trustees. Chris Wilson and Rick Cummings...

  • Dearborn Garden Club News

    Marjorie Pribyl|Apr 13, 2023

    Hello Spring! The Dearborn Garden Club met for their first meeting of 2023 at the Methodist Education Building on Wednesday, March 15. Invocation was given by Lois Rumney and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. We welcomed guest Francie Robertson who some remember as former owner of Park and Pond. Prayers were sent to the family of Louise Volkman, longtime garden club member who recently passed away and also to the family of Hugo Anderson, husband of DBGC member. A celebration of life for...

  • National Weather Service Award Recipient in Cascade Area

    Matt Moorman, Observing Program Leader - National Weather Service|Apr 13, 2023

    Jess Bandel, located at Carter 14 West, MT was presented with a 10 year Length od Service Award from the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Great Falls, MT. Jess takes and reports daily weather observations consisting of maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, snow fall and snow depth for the official United States NWS climate COOP network. The station was established August of 1982 for a total period of records for this site of 41 years. Presenting the award is Matt Moorman,...

  • Play Ball!

    Apr 13, 2023

    The new and improved backstop is done! Thank you to the American Legion team, Joe Voss and Glen Howendobler, and the Black & Gold Grant for making this happen! Play ball!...

  • Green Thumbs Are A Comin'

    Nancy Royan, Librarian, Wedsworth Memorial Library|Apr 13, 2023

    Are you overwhelmed by the plants in your house? Are they taking over your house? Do you wonder how to trim those out-of-control plants? Are you too scared to pick up that scissor and start a whackin? Have you thought about starting some plants, but are not sure what to do? Do you keep killing your houseplants? Do you have a graveyard of houseplants you just couldn’t keep alive? Have no fear Green Thumbs are comin! Our master green thumber will be here to set you on the right path. We have a home growin girl willin to set us all straight on h...

  • Ulm News

    Sandy Harshaw, Ulm Contributor|Apr 13, 2023

    It was a great day to be in Ulm Mt! The Easter egg hunt was spectacular with more than 300 participants. There were a ton of hard working 4-Hr's that made it all come together, which in turn made some very happy children. The Easter bunny was posing for pics, parents were videoing and taking pictures for memorable moments. Neighbors were visiting and the fire trucks were all shined up and ready for kids to dream of being firefighters. It was a beautiful day and the wind didn't pick up terribly...

  • Levy Election Community Meetings at Cascade

    Ray Castellanos|Apr 13, 2023

    Cascade Public Schools Superintendent, Levi Collins, and Business Manager/District Clerk, Karsen Floerchinger, held two public community meetings last week, one on Tuesday at the Cascade Senior/Community Center, and the other on Thursday at the School. The purpose for these meetings was to inform the public of the upcoming Building Reserve Levy Election. A power point presentation explained the need for a Chilled Water System Addition, upgrades to the boiler plant, to the LED lighting, and to...

  • Along the way...

    Edward Martin|Apr 13, 2023

    A reader, who clearly didn't care for columns devoted to science, said, "You know, science gets things wrong." She was, of course, correct. Science does get things wrong sometimes. The difference between science and opinion though, is when science is shown to have made a mistake it seeks to correct the mistake rather than digging in its heels and defending the indefensible. An example of scientific methodology was observation of the planet Uranus, discovered in 1781. As scientists studied it...


    Apr 13, 2023

    GREAT FALLS, Montana – Great Falls Theatre Company (“GFTC”) will be holding auditions for its upcoming summer show - Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” Wednesday, April 12, 2023 through Friday, April 14, 2023 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Ursuline Center, 2300 Central Avenue. GFTC encourages all community members ages 16 years and older to audition. GFTC is looking for singers, dancers, and actors. The Schedule for the auditions is as follows: Wednesday April 12th: Music auditions. GFTC asks community members to sign up for a 3 minute slot...

  • Community Chatter 4/16/23

    Apr 13, 2023

    I think Spring is finally here. Things are starting to really green up and flowers are starting to bloom. If you haven't stopped in to the Center and said hi, take this week to do just that. Come on in and see us, grab a snack, a drink, and have a visit. Reminder we have a stained glass art raffle happening now until June 1st. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Jeannie Berg!! Birthday Dinner is Tuesday April 18th followed by Bingo. Happiest of birthday wishes to all who are celebrating this month! Get your meal reserved by noon on the...

  • Do We Have To Always Be Content?

    Care Kinsolving and Friends|Apr 13, 2023

    When God tells us to be content, does that include being content with disgusting things? "Yes, at least when your mom is around. It's rude to tell your mom you don't like something she cooked," says Jessica, age 9. Complain about Mom's cooking, and you may find yourself washing the dishes. Now that we're on the topic of food, let's hear from Miriam, 11, on spinach: "Yes, I think spinach is disgusting. I still need to eat it to grow strong." Oysters Rockefeller or spinach quiche might give you a...